Azerbaijan State Agricultural University - Climate Action Plan

This plan is based on the “UN Framework Convention on Climate Change,” signed by 154 countries in Rio de Janeiro on June 4-14, 1992. On September 25, 2015, the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” was adopted by 193 countries that are members of the UN General Assembly. Paragraph 13 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in item 51 of the 92-item agenda, which officially entered into force on January 1, 2016, was approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 2, 2021. «Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for Social and Economic Development» is prepared on the basis of the priority document «Clean environment» and «Green growth,» which is the fifth of five priorities. This vision, as set out in the above-mentioned documents, is an official document reflecting the role of Azerbaijan in using clean energy resources and energy efficiency to combat climate change in the future.

The Climate Action Plan of the Azerbaijan State Agricultural University (ASAU), which will be implemented by decision of the Academic Council, is prepared with the aim of ensuring the future sustainability of ASAU as an independent university and maximizing its impact on society. The Climate Action Plan is an indicator of the university’s commitment to social, economic, and environmental sustainability.

The requirements of the Climate Change Action Plan apply university-wide and will be addressed through various corporate sub-strategies and business plans within the organization. Consequently, all senior structural managers are responsible for and will monitor the implementation of the plan. To measure progress towards the institutional goals identified in the plan, regular review and monitoring activities will be conducted annually under the coordination of the Department of Quality Assurance and Strategic Development. The results of these reviews will be presented to the Board in the form of a report. This report is essential for formulating new objectives and updates to the Climate Change Action Plan.

The effective implementation of the Climate Change Action Plan requires careful planning and clear division of labor within the university. An organized institutional structure is necessary to promote, advise, and support the implementation of the required policies and procedures within the university. Additionally, this structure will be key to the formalization of the university’s environmental and sustainability efforts.

The authorities of the Azerbaijan State Agricultural University have developed the following organizational framework for the Climate Change Action Plan:

  1. Rectorate of the Azerbaijan State Agricultural University (Plan Executive)
  2. Quality Assurance Board
  3. Rating Commission
  4. Executors (Plan Executors)